Amazing Yogyakarta : Sekaten,Night Vacation of Yogyakarta
Posted by Unknown
3:36 PM

History of Sekaten Yogyakarta
Sekaten Yogyakarta originally held by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I to spread Islamic knowledge to people around Yogyakarta. But in modern time, this celebration change into a kind of festival for people than a religious event. The word Sekaten itself come from two different side of meaning. First, it stands from the word syahadatain which is mean the confession of people who want to have Islam as ther religion. Second, it stands from the word sekati which is mean a name of royal gamelan that usually played in celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. So up until now, in every year the government of Yogyakarta hold Sekaten Yogyakarta as the celebration and festival for peopleThings we can find in Sekaten Yogyakarta
Come to Sekaten Yogyakarta to get the festival of people in Yogyakarta will give you so much fun. You can try the whole games here and if you really like to shop this place provides you stuff you may need with a very low price. But if you even have more money, just shop in the store, not in this Sekaten Yogyakarta because the quality of the product is not really good.

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